Kate Bosworth, Liv Tyler, and Ryan Reynolds were spotted,
but unfortunately not by me.
starring Liv Tyler, Patrick Williams (aka Raoul in Phantom of the Opera), and Terrance Howard (the black guy in Iron Man I).
If there’s one thing that there is never a shortage of around BYU campus, it’s parties.
The testing center may run out of calculators, your professor may not have enough syllabi for your class, or the ink in your printer may run dry, but parties are never in short supply.
What is a hipster you may ask?
Well no one was really sure, but this blog helped us figure it out (www.thesartorialist.blogspot.com) and here is what I was able to gather throughout the night:
Fashion: lipstick and oversized sweaters
Media: documentaries
Magazines: Nylon
Music: M. Ward or Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeroes
Books: On the Road by Jack Kerouac
Philosophy: Existentialism
People of interest: Andy Warhol
We then cruised over to a party at the little red riding hood (love the name) where my friend Morgan lives with 6 other girls and danced the rest of the night away.