Monday, October 17, 2011

Wedding Pictures Day 1: The Story

Last night, I got my wedding pictures back. 
I had planned on studying and writing the rest of my thank-you notes (it has taken years to write those haha)
but after I got the disc, my entire night was down the drain (can you blame me though?)
There are so many that I love, I decided to not overwhelm you or blogger by posting them all at once so instead, I'm going to post a few pictures each day this week... ha sorry I'm so excited I can't help myself.

So without further ado, here is day 1: a few of the pictures that tell the story of my wedding day.



Venue: Riverside Country Club
Dress: Penelope Perkins
Invitation: Bjorn Press
Flowers: Sarah Winward
Wedding Planner: Lauren Reid


  1. your dress is unreal. your hair is amazing. you glow like none other. basically you are one of the prettiest brides everrrr. and i definitely dig the bridesmaid dresses. ahh and the streamers?! oh my goodness they look so cute behind you guys in the line!

  2. Your pictures just made me late for Chemistry, but they were SO worth it!! You are so beautiful, and I love how happy you are in every picture!!

  3. These make me so happy!! ahhh when I got my pictures...nothing got done for days! :)

  4. The most PERFECT wedding ever. When I grow up (haha) and get married, I want mine to look just as pretty as yours! Seriously Grace. A job well done.

  5. Your wedding looks like the perfect fairy tale! I wish you and Jean Paul a Happily Ever After! What a gorgeous couple-- and wedding day!

  6. grace, this is beautiful! you look stunning and everything about this is perfect. i love stalking your blog!

  7. Love your dress...mine is similar! Did you get married at the Provo Temple? I'm getting married there in April and love it when I see that others got married there, too. Beautiful pictures and congrats!

  8. Thank you so much!! Yes it is the Provo temple and I just loved everything about it! I'm very excited for you- congratulations in advance!

  9. I LOVE YOUR DRESS!!!!! When I get married I want one just like that! I love the lace sleeves! So I was wondering if you bought it like that or if you added the lace over the dress? How did you do it!? aaah love it:)

  10. Thank you so much!! I actually had it made so I designed it with the sleeves like that!

  11. wow, that is amazing. I love it! I'm probably gonna have to do the same thing because it is seriously the most gorgeous wedding dress I have ever seen :) thanks for sharing your pictures!

  12. Where did you find your bridesmaid dresses?!

  13. The bridesmaid dresses are from Anthropologie! Thank you!!

  14. Beautiful wedding! I love your style, you are stunning :) I am featuring your wedding on my blog with several links directly to your site! Take a look... Http://

    Have a beautiful day!

  15. Your wedding is beautiful! Do you have a place where there is a full album of your pictures? Facebook maybe? I am planning my wedding in October would love to get some inspiration from yours!

  16. Thank you so much! I am seriously flattered. I've been meaning to put up a facebook album for a while now... So this gives me the motivation to do it! I'll work on that this weekend and if you wouldn't mind emailing me I'll send you the link :)

  17. Oh my Gosh, I hope my pictures can be half as gorgeous as yours some day! This is the most breathtaking dress I have ever seen. Just stunning.

  18. Wow what a beautiful wedding you had! Love your dress and bouquet!

  19. please please please tell me you submitted these somewhere. they're gorgeous.

  20. oh. my. gosh. i saw your dress on pinterest and followed it back here only to find the wedding of my dreams... i seriously am in complete shock! your dress is practically identical to my sketch, your wedding colors, and the bouquet oh dear!!! aghh! haha perhaps my favorite part was scrolling down and seeing that you were married in the temple! hahah okay so i need your permission to completely duplicate every aspect of your wedding in two years when my boyfriend comes back from his mission! haha also congrats!!

  21. Where is your dress from or how did you get it designed?!

  22. How much would you be renting out your dress for? (Even if you can't do that anymore, I'm still curious on the price). Thanks so much!!

  23. Can you please tell me the name of your dress? I think its stunning!

    1. Thank you! I had it made by a woman named Penelope Perkins!

  24. Okay. I'm in love with your entire wedding. Your dress...I die.

  25. Grace Elizabeth,
    Could you email me the info on your dress pretty please! I would love to have my dress specially made and something similiar to yours. Also could you email me the price and just basic details of the lady that made it. Thanks so much. your wedding really was beautiful and you were a stunning bride! hope your marriage is just as beautiful as your day was.

  26. this is basically the cutest wedding I've ever seen!!! SO CUTE EVERYTHING!!!

  27. Your wedding is magnificent, Grace! I can see from the photographs that all the people who witnessed the celebration are more than happy for you and your husband. There’s so much happiness in every picture, and I’m sure no one is going to get tired of looking at them. =)

    Isabel Cabrera

  28. This comment has been removed by the author.

  29. Where did you find those beautiful lace tablecloths?

    1. I love her lace table cloths too! Did you figure out where they're from?

  30. Love your dress! would you consider renting it?? email me

  31. I just came across some of your wedding photos on Pinterest and I must say that they are beautiful.

  32. I just saw your dress on pinterest and love it! Where did you get it? And where did you have it made with sleeves?

    1. Thank you! I designed it and had it made by a women in Salt Lake City ---

  33. Beautiful dresses! I am more than a little in awe of your dressmaking skills!

    Pánské obleky Praha & večerní šaty Praha

  34. You had an awesome wedding photos and your dress is so beautiful and suit perfectly with your figure. I had long sleeve lace dress for my wedding in last year too. But i gotta say i really like yours so elegant.

    Best Wishes:
    State Of Latex

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  36. Hi Grace,gorgeous wedding! Where are your lace table cloths from?

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