Friday, January 18, 2013

Because Sometimes, You Realize How Lucky You Are

Alright, let's just get something straight, I'm not the most sentimental person in the world. 
Sure, I love finding the perfect gift for JP, or surprising him by having his laundry finished, etc. 
But I'm not so much one to leave cute notes in his backpack or present him with a framed list of 101 reasons why I love him. 
It's just not really my style... and it is totally fine if it's your style! Definitely no right or wrong when it comes to that. 
JP knows he's my world and I love him more than anything, aaaand we just leave it at that. 

However, yesterday JP totally turned me into a total sentimental mess -- like I wasn't sure if I should start laughing or crying so I sort of ended up somewhere in the middle? Yeah, it was a good moment. 

So here's what happened:
I'm in the library, studying for the MCAT (more about that later), and at about 11:30 PM I call JP to let him know I'm about ready to come home and at some point in the conversation I mention that I have a random craving chocolate chip cookies, blah blah blah, we hang up and I start packing up my books. 

When I arrive home about 15 minutes later, I walk into a clean apartment, with a fresh bouquet of flowers on the table, and JP mixing up a batch of chocolate chip cookies (the first batch he's ever made, mind you) based on a Martha Stewart recipe he looked up online haha.

cue: awwwwwwww

Okay but seriously, it turned my whole week around (you know those weeks when you just feel out of sorts?) and suddenly the only thing I wanted to do was tell him how he's the best husband in the world, cause he kind of is :)

Sorry for the long sappy story. But it was too nice not to share. 
and Happy Weekend!! Woohoo! 
I have some exciting things coming up next week on this blog here, so get ready!

image from this wedding taken by the incredibly talented valory


  1. aww what a sweet photo of you guys :)

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