Saturday, July 28, 2012

Olympics 2012!

I am so thrilled that the Olympics are finally here!!
watching the opening ceremony last night almost brought me to tears multiple times... not a joke. 
First, at the beginning when they were showing all of my absolute favorite spots in London 
then, as all 5 molten rings came together above the stadium in a shower of sparks?! it was unbelievable!
of course, seeing team USA in their Ralph-Lauren-designed Olympic uniform during the march of the nations just about did me in (so proud to be an American right then)
and then last, as they lit that torch!! I think that is the neatest torch ever.

So here are some of my favorite vintage olympic posters:


1 comment:

  1. Love the retro posters! I think I looked at the Mexico poster too long. My head is spinning. haha
