Sunday, November 25, 2012

Oh Christmas Tree


& here I am putting the last ornament on our Christmas tree!
Having ornaments on our tree is a pretty big deal, because last year we had a grand total of two ornaments. And now one year later we've upped the numbers a little! 

I love decorating for Christmas, I grew up with a mom who always made our home so wonderful during Christmas time, and I want to try to recreate it now that I've got my own home!

However, I live with a little bit of a Scrooge, who happens to think decorations are a little bit of a waste of time.
 BUT, even he can't resist the Christmas magic. There is nothing better than when I get the tree all put up with the lights and he comes home and sees it for the first time. 
A little bit of that Scrooge-ness melts away.  :)

Happy Christmas Season! Woohoo!

1 comment:

  1. The Christmas season is my favorite by far too! Love the tree and decorations! Hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving!
