Monday, May 26, 2014

A Golden Birthday Celebration:

^^^ the birthday girl!!

^^^ siblings.

My sis-in-law Shayla turned 23 years old on May 23rd so obviously, we had to have a huge golden birthday celebration. 
In addition to gold decor e v e r y w h e r e  there was golden Oreos and goldfish crackers to eat, as well as golden creme soda cans to drink. Gold was a required part of the dress code and the golden birthday girl wore a golden crown all night. 
It was the funnest theme ever! The golden backdrop was an awesome touch and we seriously had such a fun party all night. 
Happy Golden Birthday Shayla!!


  1. Wow Grace this is amazing!! What a fun idea, I love those gold sprinkled cupcakes and that gold photo backdrop! You've got such a knack for throwing cute parties.

  2. awww yay i love these!! thanks for the best birthday EVER!
