Thursday, April 19, 2012

What Doesn't Kill You Makes You Stronger...

HOORAY!!! Finals are OVER! 
I could NOT be happier about it! 

I just couldn't be happier that this whole semester is over! I have so many projects I want to do around our little apartment that I haven't had time to get to.
 I averaged out how many hours I spent at home per day this last semester, it was less than three. Less than three! Can you now see why I am so thrilled to be finished with it?

Anyway, I walked out of the testing center at 2:00 PM this afternoon and was handed this:

 Which was awesome.

Then I went and picked up Mr JP for a little celebratory lunch at Which Wich


  1. i don't know how you do are my student role model.

  2. Cute, cute, and cute. I'm so excited for you! I remember the feeling of finishing a last final. It's the BEST EVER! Make sure to post about all of your projects! :)

  3. i think that's the first time in the history of our friendship that i haven't seen your nails polished. DUN DUN DUNNN...haha kidding. but i love you, and look forward to summertime shenanigans.
