of my good friends from my London study abroad got engaged this last week...
How crazy is that?
And three of them on the same night!
I really think there is something in the water...
And can you say quadruple engagement party?!
I have been a bit party-deprived lately! It seems there aren't as many occasions for parties at the beginning of the year, so I can't wait!
I am just beyond ecstatic for them.
Congrats Meegan Morgan Molly and Devri!!!
Me and Meegs:
(at the HP7 world premier)
Me and Morgs
(Halloween: Cat woman and Michael Jackson, obviously)
Me and Molls
(matching in Paris)
Me and Dev
(HUGE rugby fans)
oh my goodness!! I couldnt be happier for Molly! When I found out I was ecstatic! it is beyond exciting! love this!